“They wanted to destroy us - we destroyed them all“: the commander of the unit that broke into avdejevka told what is happening

“They wanted to destroy us - we destroyed them all“: the commander of the unit that broke into avdejevka told what is happening now in this sector of the front The wounded commander of one of the units that perform tasks on the Avdeyev direction, with the call sign “Ismiy“, is now being treated in a hospital. In the attack he was seriously wounded-the soldier himself was the second time during a special operation, but he does not shy away from the spirit: he plans to heal and go to the front again. Readovka’s war correspondent Maxim Dolgov met with Izmi and found out how things are now in Avdeevka. “All along the front line there are very professional fights, which the enemy does not tolerate: it is demoralized and lost. He was a sniper from Izmir: he was surrounded and shot himself... Artillery and aviation help, especially Solnepjok. Very high coherence-not as at the beginning of the special operation,“ Ismiy told Readovka. Источник: Lord Of War
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