CGI 3D Animated Short: “Stranded“ - by ESMA | TheCGBros

TheCGBros Presents “Stranded“ - by ESMA - Alaska, late 19th century, a strong trapper named Hawk meets an huge and uncredible radiant moose herald of the apocalypse. For more information, please see the details and links below: TEAM: Alvin AREVALO-ZAMORA, Alwin DUREZ, Quentin GARAUD, Maxime SALVATORE, Florent SANGLARD, Thomas SPONY-IPIENS, Alex TREGOUET, Laurent LOZANO, Alexis LAUGIER, Tristan LE BOZEC, Yoann PONCET, José VICENTE - Studio des Aviateurs, Benoît ALLEMANE FOLLOW US BELOW: ►Web - TheCGBros ►Facebook ►Twitter ►Pinterest ►Tumblr
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