Putin at a meeting on youth policy:

Putin at a meeting on youth policy: I remembered, oddly enough, the Gospel. Do you remember when Jesus came to Galilee and saw fishermen next to the sea of Galilee? Someone was fishing, someone was straightening the nets. And he said to them, “Follow me and you will be fishers of men.“ That is, human souls. They became preachers, his disciples. This was very important during the formation of world religions, and these are all four traditional religions of Russia. This is not only Christianity, but also all our traditional religions. But it turned out to be no less relevant now, when we are forced and must protect our traditional values, our culture, our traditions, our history. This is very important for the future of the country. In today’s information flow, this is a very hard and difficult job, but it is very interesting and very important. Because the results of this work — and it concerns all levels of government and management — will largely determine what Russia will look li... Source: Victor vicktop55
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