1944 Computer History: IBM ASCC “Harvard Mark 1“ world’s largest electro-mechanical calculator

Original 1944 film footage of IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC) aka the “Harvard Mark 1“ world’s largest electro-mechanical calculator. Uploaded with improved audio, video, narration and new music soundtrack! (4 mins) Hope you enjoy! Photos and film courtesy of IBM and U.S. Naval Archives Music score Courtesy of“The Frozen Goat Band“ Russ Lassonde: Rhythm Guitar Ed McCarthy: Drums Matt Greenia: Lead Guitar Bob Habereni: Bass Narration, Patrick Phillips Compilation by Computer History Archives Project ---- ASCC Bits and Trivia---- -designed in 1937 by Harvard Graduate Student, Howard Aiken to solve advanced math & physics problems; -built by IBM for Harvard University, completed in 1944; -over 51 feet long, 8ft. tall, with 500 miles of wiring; -operated by U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships; -world’s largest electro-mechanical computer (not electronic); -utilized switches, rela
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