Борьба за жизнь продолжается/The fight for life continues for 160 paralysed dogs
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160 dogs are paralysed. 17 dogs died... The autopsy results of the dead dogs showed general intoxication - poisoning. At the moment, tests are being done to determine the cause of such severe intoxication. The food is still under examination. Thank you for your help! Many dogs are already getting up on their feet... But about 60 are still very heavy and are on drips... At the same time as our shelter, three other animal shelters were affected !!! They were feeding the dogs with the same food from the same producer as us... We have filed a complaint with the police and the prosecutor’s office!
160 парализованных собак. 17 погибли... Результаты вскрытия показали Общую Иноксикацию организма - ОТРАВЛЕНИЕ. Корм пока находится на экспертизе, делаем более полную экспертизу по погибшим собак
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