Korean: Listening Practice (Level 1, Dialogues 13 - 20)

If you want to practice your Korean Listening skills, watch this video. While learning a language, it is very important to practice your listening skills regularly. Otherwise, you will be like a “walking textbook“ who can neither speak nor understand the speech you hear, even though you know all the grammar and words. If you don’t practice listening skills you will understand the language only on paper. In this video you will listen to 8 dialogues. You can watch the first 12 dialogues here: You will listen to each dialogue 4 times. 1. Just audio without text Try not to panic, concentrate and just listen and understand what is being said. 2. Audio text Listen to audio and look at text in Korean. Look at the text and check if you understood the speech correctly when you listened to it for the first time. Also, if you are in doubt whether you have read or heard the audio correctly, you can check it in the Latin text on the right side. (I am not using the standard romanization rules because instead of making it easier to learn and understand Korean, they are rather confusing.) 3. Audio text in Korean text in English Here you can check if you understood correctly what it is about. 4. Audio without text Listen to the text again, don’t look anywhere, concentrate. The audio speed is slightly faster here. It would be more efficient to review all the grammar and vocabulary from the previous lessons before listening to the video. If you liked this video, tell me in the comments, and I will try to make more such videos. Also, if there is something I can improve, I would be glad if you share your thoughts. Good luck! :)
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