One Hour of Italian Communist Music

Lots of Italian communist music out there. 0:00 Bella Ciao (Goodbye, Beautiful) 2:05 L’Internazionale (The Internationale) 5:00 Fischia il Vento (The Wind Whistles) 7:40 Il Partigano (The Partisan) 11:40 Bandiera Rossa (Red Flag) 14:57 Inno dei Lavoratori (Hymn of Workers) 17:56 La Brigata Garibaldi (The Garibaldi Brigade) 20:00 La Badoglieide (The Badoglieide) 24:12 Chi Non Vuol Chinar La Testa è Comunista (Those Who Do Not Bow Their Heads Are Communists) 26:50 Stagioni (Seasons) 33:00 Contessa (Countess)
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