GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit PARADE FOR THE PRESIDENT: (2014 note - inauguration parade of President Dwght Eisenhower for second term of office / gv of capitol building with US flag/floats in parade includes Redstone guided missile and northrop snark with sign “usaf guardian of freedom“ / float of golfer - ball caught by Vice President Richard Nixon / republican party mascot of elephant/ Eisenhower watching parade with his grandchildren/ story does not oath taking ceremony) Full Description: WASHINGTON - PARADE FOR THE PRESIDENT: EISENHOWER (IKE) Pres USA & Mrs. INAUGURATION DAY at Washington. After taking oath for his 2nd term of thru the from from Westpoint as well as other military academies march missiles are featured on one float featuring golf. GUIDED MISSILES. Inauguration Day in Washington provided scope for fl
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