How to knit in DROPS 140-14, 133-1 and 130-1

In this DROPS video we show how to knit chart (last part of chart) used in 3 very popular shawls. We choose to show 2 repeats of the chart next to each other, we placed a white marking thread that shows where 2nd repeat starts (the patterns includes several repeats). 1st row and all WS rows: P on WS - 1st row is not shown in video. 2nd row works from RS and works “K2 tog, yo“ across and always end with K1 in last st. 3rd row WS: P all sts 4th row RS: K2 into 1 st, K3, slip 1 st, K 1, psso, K2 tog, K3, K2 into 1 st, repeat over following repeats and end with K1 6th row RS: K2 into 1 st, K2 into 1 st, K3, slip 1 st, K 1, psso, K2 tog, K3, K2 into 1 st, K2 into 1 st, repeat over following repeats and end with K1. For each time you work row 6 and row 10 with 2 times “K2 into 1 st“ after each other you will get an additional K stitch on each side of inc in the middle of the repeat. We added an additional marking thread to show the middle of the repeat.
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