City Welcomes The Queen (1956)

The Guildhall, London. SV. Queen Elizabeth II standing at table with bouquet of flowers in hand. On her right are Lord Mayor of London Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd and Queen Mother and on her left, the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Margaret (title super over). SCU. Queen sits down. Applause. Duke of Edinburgh on the Queen’s left. GV. Hall with rows of tables in foreground - top view. SCU. Princess Margaret. LV. & SCU. Table, Mayor standing, giving his opening speech. SCU. Sir Winston Churchill sitting at table listening, with a man and a woman on his right (both unknown). SV. Guests sitting at table listening. SV. Queen standing at table speaking. She starts to speak (natural sound): “As you can imagine, My Lord Mayor, my husband and I have many colourful memories of our visit, which we shall always treasure. The tropical vegetation of the South, and the dry rolling plains of the North, and the sight of hundreds of horsemen and at all times and in all places, a joyous welcome. For that welcome,
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