DEPECHE MODE 101 Press Conference

Thanks to Latinleti To announce the Rose Bowl show, a live broadcast was made on KROQ radio but it was also filmed to report on different television channels. This I share is a footage of that day (apparently made by some channel), unedited for transmission, which includes the announcement made by Alan, a mini interview for the radio, questions from the media that were there and responses from the band and some clips that they filmed for MTV, all in “behind the scenes“ format. It is super interesting although it is cut at the end ... how much is missing I have no idea because I doubt that it has been broadcast as you see it here. Depeche Mode in 1988 were: Alan Wilder Dave Gahan Martin Gore Andy Fletcher Buy official Depeche Mode items here: Spain: Germany: ★FOLLOW US★ ►Instagram: ►Twitter:
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