How to destroy any RFID chip.

Destroying an RFID card with 40 joules of inductive energy. The card jumps up due to the inductive kick and even the camera receives a blast which causes it to lose focus for a moment. It’s very easy to destroy RFID cards with electromagnetic pulses, this can be achieved with much more smaller capacitors, although proximity is still a key factor. I used some big capacitors just for the effect. This method can be used to destroy any unshielded RFID card, no matter the size or shape, as long as there’s a big enough magnetic field variation the voltage difference at the extremes of the coil will kill the chip. Step 1: create a coil Step 2: charge a capacitor to a couple hundred volts Step 3: place the RFID device as close to the coil as you can Step 4: discharge the capacitor through the coil Step 5: the RFID chip will be destroyed because the induced voltage will be much higher than what the chip can handle.
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