Short History of Film Music: Ep. 3 Golden Age of Hollywood

Hello! My name is Arina, and I am a composer, podcaster, and a huge fan of film music. Everyone has heard about Hans Zimmer and his score for “The Lion King,“ the magic of John Williams, and the famous “Lord of the Rings“ music... But how did music became an important film language? How did music departments work in major film studios? Why is King Kong’s opening theme so important? And why didn’t people consider film music seriously? Welcome to my series, Short History of Film Music, where I try to answer all these questions and even more :) This is the third episode - Golden Age of Hollywood - where you will learn about the music of the Classical Hollywood cinema, the giants of film music of that time, and what was the process of creating music for big-budget movies in the 1930s - 1950s. This is my first experience creating educational videos - please feel free to comment and let me know what you would like me to improve and talk about! Bibliogr
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