This was mostly just testing editing since its been a fat while since using my editing program again ;v; enjoy neo laughing at a really funny joke you just told while crikett and moxy have a midlife crisis edit: im getting quite a few comments mentioning the fact that this is titled an original meme although there are already other original memes with this song. to that i have to say ive watched a total of zero starboy animation memes prior to making this. the concept of this meme is soley based off of how i interpretted the song in my head when listening to it. i believe its fair to claim that its different enough from the other starboy memes anyway, and that more than one original meme can coexist despite using the same song. frankly, the only thing remotely similar about this version and the other versions claimed to be the ’actual’ original is the head bobbing, which is blatantly in 90% of all animation memes already,,, so im calling this an original meme :,)) feel free to credit either and
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