Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol II How to lower High Blood Pressure at home

Natural Remedy for High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol II How to lower High Blood Pressure at home High blood pressure is a problem for many people; in fact, around 76.4 million adults suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure can greatly increase your risk for a life-threatening stroke or heart attack. Potassium and heart health go hand in hand. It is the essential factor in triggering your heartbeat and it also helps regulate your blood pressure levels. Pretty serious stuff, I’d say! With minimal, but significant levels of potassium, celery helps to stabilise fluid levels in the body. Phthalides (another sub category of the phytochemicals found in celery) act as diuretics, helping to rid the body of excess salt levels that could otherwise dangerously influence high blood pressure. Keep in mind that high blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and heart disease. Watch this video to the end and have your normalcy. Thank you so much for watching❤️
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