My Old Cat DEMANDS Reddi-Wip

Kiki was a hospice foster cat we had some time ago. Her previous owner was getting old and her children decided she was too old to take care of a cat so they took her to the shelter. The vets said she barely had two months to live, so we offered our home. She was old, cranky, and sickly. However, it turns out being in a home with some love turned things around for her and she ended up spending another two years with us! She stayed old and cranky but she did love that Reddi-Wip. Now because of the number of comments telling me that whipped cream can harm cats, here are some facts: - She is eating a small amount, maybe 2-3 tablespoons. Those little tongues donโ€™t pick up that much with each lick. - Many cats can tolerate milk products just fine, as all these in the video did. Yes, cats can be lactose intolerant (see ), but youโ€™d know pretty quick if that were the case. And like humans, lactose intolerance does not cause long-term damage to the body, just a little uncom
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