Tekken 5: Devil Jin Interludes (No Subtitles)

Tekken 5 Interludes of Devil Jin without subtitles (subtitled version can be found on main channel page). EDIT-Woo-hoo! Someone finally transcribed my requested lines for me! Thank you kuri!!! Here they are, for anyone curious: 今の俺を止められると思うのか? Ima no ore wo tomerareru to omou no ka? Do you think you can stop what Ive become? いいだろう。お前から葬ってくれよう。 Iidarou. Omaekara houmuttekureyou. Alright then. The burials shall start with you. この俺様の意思がデビルを凌駕したのだよ。 Kono oresama no ishi ga debiru wo ryouga
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