Ilya Ilyin on doping, Olympic gold medals, weightlifting survival and his future

Ilya Ilyin was known as the poster boy of weightlifting for many years. He was unbeaten in elite competitions for 13 years, breaking records and winning gold medals in every major tournament. In 2016, three months after he was announced as the best weightlifter on the planet, IWF announced that retesting of the doping samples from Beijing and London Olympic Games showed positive results for illegal substances. His two gold medals were taken. Five years later Ilya Ilyin made a summary of all the events and for the first time an athlete of his caliber gives his point of view on the doping practices, the lack of equal treatment and where the roots of all the problems in weightlifting are. We started our interview on English and switched on Russian. Huge respect to Ilya for having the courage to speak on that topic that many athletes and sports authorities are always trying to ignore. Let me know in the comments what you think of his words and if you want more interviews like that give It a like or subscribe. Summary: 00:47 Why he finished his career? 01:37 What he is doing now? 06:06 What needs to be changed in weightlifting to keep its spot at the Olympics? 09:50 How the weightlifting could improve based on the sport rivalry? 11:12 Why the number of Olympic weightlifting quotas was reduced? 13:30 Why IWF didn’t took enough measures to halt the doping practices? 14:21 What is happening with the weightlifters and coaches in those countries, who are having doping problems? 15:20 Why his results weren’t the same after he returned? 17:45 How his world changed after his gold medals were taken? 22:01 Is it true that he wanted to commit suicide after the loss of the gold medals? 27:30 Why IWF allowed for the last 30-40 doping practices to be part of the sport? 32:10 Is there any solution to end the doping in weightlifting? 36:10 Why nobody is investigating the doping practices among kids in Thailand or the corruption among anti-doping officers as showed in ARD movie? 38:00 If he can turn back the time, would Ilya starts once again the journey with all the ups and downs? Credits for photo/video: Ilya Ilyin’s instagram: Music by: Twisterium from Pixabay Like me on Facebook: Иля Илин беше лицето на вдигането на тежести в продължение на години. Той нямаше загуба в елитните състезания в продължение на 13 години, чупейки рекорди и печелейки златни медали във всеки голям турнир. През 2016-а, три месеца, след като беше обявен за четвърти път като най-добър тежкоатлет на планетата, IWF обяви, че повторното тестване на неговите допинг проби от олимпиадите в Пекин и Лондон е показално позитивни резултати за забранени вещества. Неговите два златни медала бяха отнети. Пет години по-късно Илия Илин направи обзор на всички събития. За пръв път спортист от подобен калибър дава своята гледна точка за допинг практиките, липсата на еднакво отношение и къде се грият корените на всички проблеми в щангите. Започнахме нашето интервю на английски и превключихме на руски. Огромна благодарност на Илия за куража да говори на тема, която мнозина спортисти и спортни шефове се опитват да пренебрегнат. Споделете какво мислите за неговите думи. Ако искате още подобни интервюта, цъкнете лайк или се абонирайте. Youtube channel of Ognian Georgiev, a Bulgarian sports journalist and TV Broadcaster. Boxing/MMA commentator for Nova TV/Diema sport, Max sport, Eurosport Bulgaria. NY Times contributor. Learn more about me at
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