Vehicles For Army (1962)

Full title reads: “Chertsey. Vehicles For Army“. Chertsey, Surrey. SV Pan, a light armoured car going over rough ground (a type of scout car). GV vehicles on exhibition. GV of the Blue Steel missile / rocket on show. CU Name “Blue Steel“. VS of visiting military figures. CU Pan, six-wheeled army vehicle called “Saracen going over rough ground. SV Pan, Land Rover built on large wheels for riding over extremely rough ground. LV Landrover with caterpillar tracks going over rough ground. LV Six-wheeled vehicle called the “Rhino“ which turns round in its own length. SV Pan, type of Landrover driving at speed and travelling at speed up steep gradient. GV The Army’s Ark, a pressure lifting vessel which can carry a one-ton vehicle across water. CU Men lifting up the cover of the Ark revealing a type of van inside. LV Van being backed out of the Army’s Ark. GV Large tank driving down into ditch. Shot from ditch, tank of the rescue tank coming to assistance. CU Wheels of tank bogged down in mud
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