First Test Match (1925)

This is a duplicate of item - check for best quality. This version has some nitrate damage visible. Check against other version - may be better. Item title reads - The first test match. England, lead by Gilligan, takes the field. Sydney, Australia. M/S as Gilligan and the English cricket team walk through the gate onto the pitch. Intertitle - ’Collins and Bardsley, Australia’s first “pair“, in action.’ L/S of the crowds watching the match, M/S of one of the Australians batting and the fielder behind catching the ball, the umpire sits on the ground. M/S of a man bowling. Intertitle - ’All Australia acclaim Maurice Tate, “world’s best bowler.“’ Various shots of Maurice bowling in the match. Intertitle - ’Australia take the field.’ The Australian team walk slowly out of the gate onto the pitch, one man catches a ball thrown to him. Intertitle - ’Cheers for Hobbs and Sutcliffe - Britain’s best batsmen.’ One of them bats, various shots as the two run, he bats again. In
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