Radio Controlled Models (1954)

Radio controlled model boats designed and built by Colonel Harold Taplin. Margate, Kent. The camera follows Colonel Harold Taplin and a boy walking along the promenade, the boy is carrying a radio controlled speedboat. L/S as they go up to the quay, also in picture are two other men with speedboats. M/S Colonel taking cabin off speedboat whilst the boy watches. C/U as he touches controls. C/U’s of their faces. C/U as he presses switchboard which controls boat. C/U of another man watching. M/S as the Colonel lowers the speedboat into the water. Camera follows the boat as it pulls away from the quay. M/S crowd watching. Various shots of the speedboat in the water. The Colonel controls it with the box in his hand. C/U as he presses the controls. L/S speedboat turning in water. L/S people on quay. M/S as the camera follows the speedboat when it heads for the quay. The boy reaches out to get it. M/S crowd watching. M/S as the Colonel and the boy both let go of speedboats. L/S of the two speedboats tw
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