State College, PA - Cindy Song’s Halloween Disappearance

“Will it be a trick or a treat?” It’s the most popular question in thousands of children’s minds come Halloween season. But in the minds of State College, Pennsylvania police, and the family and friends of Korean girl Hyun-Jong Song, the question “What happened to Cindy Song?” has been eluding them since Halloween 2001. Cindy is that 21-year old Korean girl, a junior co-ed at the Pennsylvania State University. And for almost 2 decades, the answer to the question has always been, “She vanished.” As years pass and memories fade, the details of her vanishing on October 31, 2001 have become muddled. It drew national attention, but ultimately faded into a cold case. Thus, the Cindy Song disappearance remains one of the most notorious in central Pennsylvania.
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