Scavenger Hunt: Week 1 Puzzle

Post your answers in the comments, one per account please. Or don’t. But you must email them to Pandemagogue@ with “Week 1 Puzzle“ in the subject line for consideration before midnight CST on February 11, 2024. In Eden’s shadow, where confusion reigns, Two fruits obscured, in ignorance’s chains. The first obscures sight, deepens the night, The second, a fleeting life, always in flight. Yet in the starkness of ignorance’s creed, A void, where wisdom and eternity plead. From Ignorance springs a vision obscured, From Mortality, a path prematurely cured. But there’s a void, vast and strong, Unbinding the journey, where none belong. Where Ignorance stumbles, and Mortality fears, A silent chasm, echoing through the years. Not in silence, nor in chaos’s roar, In their division, the true losses soar. In Eden’s mist, where truths are veiled, Two elusive fruits, in mystery jailed. First, a fruit that blinds
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