Acker Bilk with Leon Young String Chorale: Greensleeves

One of the most popular song in music, “Greensleeves” dates back in XVI century (the first known references to a song was recorded in September 1580. The author of the song is unknown but widespread belief exists that the song Greensleeves was composed by none other than King Henry VIII, following an early rejection of his love by his future wife ( and mother of future Queen Elisabeth I), Anne Boleyn. However, Italian style of composition that did not reach England until after Henry’s death but much later, making it more likely Elizabethan in origin. Nevertheless, this song scored numberless versions that have been recorded, and among them, this is one of most distinctive, recorded by Acker Bilk with Leon Young String Chorale. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights to the original song and artwork. This video was made with the main aim to PROMOTE THE MUSIC AND THE ARTIST. Buy the music and support the artists!
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