Christening of Mountbatten’s godchild (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Princess Elizabeth attends christening of Mountbatten’s godchild, Michael John Ulick at Marsham Kent Full Description: ENGLAND: Kent: Marsham: EXT CANTERBURY, Archbishop of Dr. Lang Dr Fisher christens Michael John Ulick at Marsham Kent the grand son of the Mountbattens when Princess Margaret attends PRINCESS ELIZABETH Attends christening of Mountbattens godchild Michael John Ulick at Marsham she nearly has her hat blown away and she poses with the baby in her arms in front of the cameras LORD AND LADY MOUNTBATTEN at Marsham in Kent for the christening of godchild by Princess Elizabeth and performed by Archbishop of Canterbury Rites of Passage; Queen Elizabeth II; Royalty, Baptism, Babies, religion, ceremony Background: Princess Elizabeth attends christening of Mountbatten’s godchild, Michael John Ulick
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