美食台 | 仙氣十足的芙蓉酥,精緻又典雅!

上次廣末老師教過大家用「小包酥」的做法,製作唯妙唯肖的荷花酥,今天再來分享進階的「大包酥」技巧,製作栩栩如生的芙蓉酥,花瓣由三種顏色交替相襯,層次分明,精緻又典雅,學會這款高級點心,仙氣十足,驚豔全場! Last time, Ms Guangmo taught us the “xiaobaosu” way to make lotus cakes, and this time she shares with us the more advanced “dabaosu” skills to make lifelike Furong cakes. The petals are composed of three alternating colors, well-arranged, exquisite and elegant. If you master this cake with class, you will definitely wow your guests.
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