Super Easy Clasp Frame Bag DIY | Metal clasp frame bag with piping | Step by step tutorial

Finally another clasp frame bag🥰 The finished size of the bag is W 20 cm, H 20 cm, D 10 cm. The outer fabric for this bag is with fusible web on and therefore it looks very stiff. For this bag I didn’t assemble a baseboard. So it’s very easy to make. This bag is so-called 3 pieces clasp frame bag. Because it’s made of 3 pieces of fabric (3 pieces outside and inside respectively), 2 for the front and the back, 1 for the bottom and the sides. The pattern is, therefore, different from the clasp frame bag that I used to make, which is made of 1 piece. In my next video I’ll show you how to draw the pattern for this kind of bag. So subscribe me and keep watching. Hope you’ll like it❤️ ❤️ Please subscribe me if you’re inspired ↓↓ ❤️ Other videos that you might be interested in ↓↓ ⬇️ Metal fra
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