The Boy From Ipanema

Yet another one-take-recording... One afternoon last week I had just come home from work. According to Facebook all of my friends were having the time of their lives. They all had status updates like: “Has spent the lovely summers day at the beach“, “Enjoys the holiday in Greece (/Italy/Spain etc etc etc)“ or “Looking forward to the BBQ tonight.“ I on the other hand was tired after a long day at work and I even had to go to bed early so I would be able to wake up at 5 AM and go to work again :-( All in all it wasnt exactly one of my best days. So I decided to record a moody yet laid-back and sunny song, just to get in a better mood myself - And it worked like a charm :-) Although now I just want to go to the beach even more... Hope you like the song - and sorry for wasting your time with my boring story about my boring holiday ...
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