Kidnap the Sandy Claws- KoRn Version

Lyrics: [LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL] Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws [LOCK] I wanna do it [BARREL] Let’s draw straws [SHOCK] Jack said we should work together Three of a kind [LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL] Birds of a feather Now and forever Wheeee La, la, la, la, la Kidnap the Sandy Claws, lock him up real tight Throw away the key and then Turn off all the lights [SHOCK] First, we’re going to set some bait Inside a nasty trap and wait When he comes a-sniffing we will Snap the trap and close the gate [LOCK] Wait! I’ve got a better plan To catch this big red lobster man Let’s pop him in a boiling pot And when he’s done we’ll butter him up [LOCK, SHOCK & BARREL] Kidnap the Sandy Claws Throw him in a box Bury him for ninety years Then see if he talks [SHOCK] Then Mr. Oogie Boogie man Can take the whole thing ov
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