A Scientific Approach to the Search for Aliens… Success, Consequences, Speculation

@UAMNTV There are about a trillion planets hidden in the star fields of our own, fairly ordinary galaxy. It’s hard to believe that all of them are sterile, so it makes sense to try and find out if there’s life out there. We talk about the efforts of a small group of scientists to find proof of alien societies, discuss the prospects of success, and speculate on what the consequences would be of learning that humans have company in the cosmos. Presented by Shostak Seth Seth is Senior Astronomer and Institute Fellow at the SETI Institute, in Mountain View, California. He has an undergraduate degree in physics from Princeton University, and a doctorate in astronomy from the California Institute of Technology. For much of his career, Seth conducted radio astronomy research on galaxies, and has published approximately sixty papers in professional journals. He has written 600 popular magazine, newspaper and web articles on various topics in astronomy, technology, film and television. For a decade, he
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