AI SaaS Chat Bot using MERN Stack Tutorial

Learn how to build a secure and scalable AI chatbot with the MERN Stack and advanced authentication in this comprehensive course! The project is a ChatGPT Clone. The project uses React, Node, MongoDB, Express, and Typescript. By the end of this video you will have a deep understanding of creating an advanced, secure, and production ready SaaS applications with the MERN stack. 💻 Code: ✏️ Created by [club46372925|@IndianCoders] Key features: - MERN stack deep guide - Create user authentication and authorization system - Implementing express-validators middleware to validate data - Storing user’s chats in MongoDB - Generating custom and our own authentication system - Using JWT authorization tokens, HTTP only cookies - Protecting user routes with verifica ... #freeCodeCamp 20231018 wrHTcjSZQ1Y
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