James Potter | Time Is Ruthless

❝Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you need of him. How else could you produce that particular Patronus? Prongs rode again last night.❞ - Happy birthday, Mr. James Potter! I’ve always wanted to do a video of him, especially focusing on his “later“ life with Lily and Harry. And this song fit more perfectly than I ever could’ve hoped. Congrats, I played myself. This broke me. I know a lot of you are waiting on the Remus video... It’s been a long and unhappy journey, but I hope to get it out for his death day. I thought it’d be kind of poetic; Jily is who I generally do death day videos for and they’re getting birthday videos this year, while Wolfstar is getting death day videos instead. Soon! And who knows when I’ll get to Peter. Did you know he died just before James birthday? Justice. As always, I was heavily inspired by the demon Lili aka Bells. CAST: James Potter
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