Atropos, the Bane Elemental. PUG Game on Garena Europe Server. The video shows teamplay and how Atropos could be imba if played right. Finished 24-0 that game, but after the end of the video there were just some repetitive gang kill and btw I was 5-7 lvls more tham my opponent at that time.
Skill Build: 2-3-2-3-2-4-2-3-3-1-4-1-1-1-( 2) till the end. Item build: 6 tangos 1 clarity 2x circlet - void stone - boots - 2x bracers - travel - Necronomicon - Necronomicon lvl 2 - Necronomicon lvl 3 - Mystic Staff - Ultimate Orb (guinsoo). Check Trigor on Garena to find me (.ping is my old account). DotA .