Hans Werner Henze, “Barcarola“ in memoriam Paul Dessau (MDR-Sinfonieorchester Dennis Russell Davies)

Hans Werner Henze, “Barcarola“ in memoriam Paul Dessau MDR-Sinfonieorchester Dirigent: Dennis Russell Davies Visualisation: Cori O’Lan Live Mitschnitt vom im Gewandhaus Leipzig. Tonmeister: Edwin Diehle The furious undulating waves of the computer graphics take up the work’s designation as Barcarola, and of course we can’t get past the image of the crossing of the River Styx. Mysteriously, a large cube appears surrounded by a rock garden and we perceive an oversized human figure looking at this scene from the outside. Only at the very end we realize that in this cube there is also a person and we associate the cube as a ferry and the viewer of the scene as the ferryman Chárōn.
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