KLEZMER | Di Goldene Khasene | Freilach

KLEZMER | Di Golden Khasene traditional freilach | klezmer music Kleztory & I Musici de Montreal Klezmer is a musical tradition that parallels Hasidic and Ashkenazic Judaism. Originating in the villages and ghettos of Eastern Europe, where nomadic Jewish musicians known as “klezmorim” performed at weddings and other celebrations, klezmer music has been played from the early middle ages until the beginning of the twentieth century. Klezmer music currently enjoys tremendous popularity and has been undergoing a true revival since the 1980s. Similar to the music they perform, KLEZTORY is a rich mosaic of cultures (Russian, Canadian, Quebecois) musical training (academic and self-taught), and musical tastes (classical, contemporary, jazz, blues, country and folk). Combining their talents, these musicians perform with emotion and virtuosity which is the true spirit of klezmer. Through the use of innovative arrangements that are respectful of the original compositions, KLEZTORY has forged a unique and yet authentic musical path. How to play klezmer music. #klezmer #freilach #clarinet #kleztory #ichmouratov #klezmermusic #klezmerclarinetist #freylakh
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