Коррозия Металла - Russian Vodka (клип 1990, ТВ-версия)

Группа “Коррозия металла“ - “Russian Vodka“ (видеоклип). Korrozia Metalla is a Russian thrash speed heavy metal band. Official music video 1990 (censored TV version). Состав: Паук, Боров, Костыль, Ящер Текст песни: If you gonna dance, Fire of the road, Let it be all nice, Think to me, my baby. Hey, boy, drink like a beast! Hey, girl, move in twist! Move it for your treat! Come on, everybody, Mark into the hell TNT position! Hey, boy, drink like a beast! Hey, girl, move in twist! Jump in fire of Bottle shine! Russian vodka! Russian life! Russian vodka! Russian vodka! Russian vodka! Russ...ian life! We are paranoid, Welcome to Sahara. Russian goal is cool, Rock and die and live on!
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