Got PAINTERS BLOCK? Try this Experimental Loose Watercolor Landscape Painting Exercise, Lots of Fun!

My previous demo using this method with landscape experiments: Click to watch the video that inspired the demo above and this one, from the amazing abstract artist Louise Fletcher: Today’s YouTube demo continues last week’s experiments to free yourself up and plunge into landscape painting without trying to paint a finished painting, but just exploring brushstrokes and colour and marks. This is an idea that was sparked off by the teaching methods of the amazing abstract artist LOUISE FLETCHER. The idea here is not to paint along and try to replicate my painting, but to watch, then think about the colours and marks that you like to use and make, and use the demo as a stepping-off point to explore your own creative impulses, just relax and go for it, and have lots of fun without worrying about an end result, or trying to paint ’something’. Just experiment and see what happens, it’s
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