J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1985 - Public Talk 3 - Creation is never ending

J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1985 - Public Talk 3 - Creation is never ending Summary: The real meaning of the highest form of yoga was to have a very deeply orderly, moral, ethical life, not just merely taking various postures. Is not beauty something that takes place when you are not? Pleasure goes with fear; it’s the other side of the coin. We admire, extol and idolise power, whether spiritual power of the religious hierarchy, the power of a politician or the power of money. To the speaker, power is evil. Success is utter mediocrity. Is there an end to sorrow? Love has nothing to do with any organisation or person. There is no path to love or truth - one has to live it. --- This channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust​​, UK​, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said,​ ​’The foundations will see to
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