Halo CME To Jolt Earth’s Magnetic Field - November 10. 2023.

A CME associated with an eruption near center disk at 09/11:15 UTC is expected to arrive at Earth around 18:00 UTC on 11 November. Periods of G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storm conditions are likely late on 11 Nov through the early hours of the 12 Nov. UTC day. NOAA and NASA models agree that the cloud will strike on Saturday around 18:00 UT. Its impact could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm--not quite as strong as the G3-class event of Nov. 5th, but still enough to produce auroras in northern-tier US states from New York to Washington. Thanks for watching! #solarstorm #CME #spaceweather Images credit: NOAA/SWPC, Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Goddard (ISWA), nemesis maturity channel Music credit: YouTube Audio Library Planetary Paths - Joel Cummins, Andy Farag
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