DCS Су-25Т Кампания _Deep Mud_ Миссия №5 Удар по аэродрому
Bad weather and good oportunity.
We surrounded enemy units between DK36 and DK66. Now we need to cut off enemy supply lines and keep the siege. Our current destination is Krymsk Airport. After two waves of attacks, the airport is almost without air defense. Your mission is to destroy the C-130 supply aircraft and the enemy artillery that crush our units inside the city of Abinsk. Two airplanes are currently on the north side and two on the south of the airport. Artillery is in the middle. Even when enemy air defense is destroyed, there are still enough cannons and machine guns on ground vehicles. Be careful.
Your wingman is set to attack two northern planes and two guns on the east group.. Nothing more, nothing less. Activate him once with Engage-Mission Primary and rejoin. (F7).
Weather is bad. Cloud base at 1200m, heavy snow. Wind is light. Takeoff early morning.
Fresh news. Intel report new AAA in the middle of airfield near artilery position.
1) Takeoff from Maykop
2) Turning point over lake DK67
3) Engage enemy C-130 and Artilery
4) In case of emergency land in Krasnodar
5) Landing on Maykop
Your callsign is 201, wingman 202