How to Do a Kid’s Haircut at home Step-by-Step

What you’ll need: You can purchase an inexpensive clipper on-line. For a beginner “stylist” we recommend something with basic attachments that isn’t too complicated or heavy. Here is an example of one that we like for young kids, because it’s a little smaller and easier to use on little ones. Note: People refer to Trimmer also as a Buzzer or Clipper, but not a Shear. A Shear is a scissor. Smock, cape or old t-shirt Newspaper, garbage bags or disposable plastic tablecloth for the floor for easier clean-up Medium-tooth comb DISTRACTIONS to keep child busy/still. VERY IMPORTANT! Set Up: Cover your child with an art smock or old t-shirt Avoid the bathtub for your cutting location (too slippery). Rather, sit child in a chair with a distraction (video, tablet, book, etc.) Do it at a time when you won’t be rushed Quick Clipper Tutorial: A clipper comes with attachments (also called guards or blades) that click on. As a rule, the larger the attachment, the longer the cut hair will be, and conversely, the smaller the attachment the shorter the hair will end up. I recommend starting with a large attachment and getting used to using the clipper. Obviously, you can always cut the hair shorter if it’s too long. We will use the clipper with no attachments at the end to “clean-up” around the ears and hairline. You can use more than one attachment for the haircut in order to have hair cut shorter on the sides than the top. This is right on trend now for boys and men, think soccer player vibes. Always cut the hair dry when using a clipper Follow the instructions that come with the clipper and oil prior to use @pazhuvel
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