Meld Wins The St. Leger (1955)

Doncaster, Yorkshire. GV. Crowds and the St. Leger course. SV. Indicator Board showing jockeys and horses. SV. The Queen Elizabeth II walking to the paddock followed by Princess Royal. GV. Crowds watching horses parade round the paddock. SV. Back view of the Queen and Princess Royal watching horses parade around. CU. Pan, Meld being led round. CU. Pan, Queen walking away from paddock past crowds. GV. Horses parading up the course getting ready for the start of race, & SV. Five horses in the picture. GTV. Pan, thousands of people milling around the bookies, & STV. CU. Two men looking through binoculars. GV. Horses milling around at the start. They start to move towards the tape but E Mercer gets his head caught in the tapes and is dismounted. He is riding Lovely Vatel. Mercer rises from ground and horses start to move back for a restart. LV. Horses start to move up to tape. Tapes up and off, pan as horses race past camera and into back view down course. CU. Man looking through binoculars. LV. Pan, No 5, Dae
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