Bulganin And Khruschev Depart From Portsmouth (1956)

Portsmouth, Hampshire. Prime Minister of USSR Nikolai Bulganin and Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Nikita Khruschev arriving in car to Portsmouth dock. Bulganin inspecting Guard of Honour. Several shots of the crew lined up onboard Russian battleship at dock. Bulganin and Khruschev going onboard ship, several men remove the gangplank. More shots of the two inspecting the Guard of Honour and getting onboard the ship. They are greeted by the ship captain and officers, crew lined up on deck. Name on side of Russian ship ’Orazhonikiaze’ - Georgian name. British Battleship moving in background. Several shots of the Bulganin and Khruschev saying goodbye and waving from ship to shore. Several shots of the ship leaving harbour, more ships around. CU. Registration of car BK 1. CU. Flag on car ’Lord Mayor of Portsmouth’. CU. Russian sailor standing on dock next to gangplank. Several shots of the sailors lined up and various parts of the Russian battleship. Several close up shots of sailors and officers onb
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