Idolatry at the Vatican?! (warning: immodest clothing)

Idolatry at the Vatican?! A scandal to the world! Jorge Bergoglio, the man many call “Pope Francis“ allowed and assisted in apparent idol worship on the Vatican Gardens. This of course is not possible for a Catholic pope.. and further evidence that Rome has apostatized from the true faith. This idolatry at the Vatican is the natural result of the false decrees of the “Second Vatican Council.“ You do not have to be an expert on the Pachamama to know that it is not Catholic, and is Idolatry at the Vatican. Also this week, Eugenio Scalfari reported that Bergoglio told him Jesus Christ is Not God. There should not even be a possibility that one could come to that belief from a Catholic pope... but why keep talking to the man... Scalfari in a previous time reported that Bergolio did not believe in hell... Why keep giving interviews to someone who makes lies about you?? Well, if you are familiar with modernist and freemason tactics, you know the answer. For more info on the current state of the Church.. see ht
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