Conference on findings of the investigation of events in Sarajevo and Srebrenica 1991-1995

On September 14, International Institute of the Development of Scientific Cooperation (MIRNaS) in partnership with the Gorchakov Fund and with the support of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) will host international conference “Findings of independent commissions: Serbian victims of the civil war in Sarajevo in 1991-1995 and victims of all nations in the area of Srebrenica in 1991-1995“. During the event, independent international commissions will present their reports on (1) the investigation of events in Sarajevo in 1991-1995; and (2) the investigation of event in the area of Srebrenica in 1992-1995. The above mentioned commissions were established in the beginning of 2019 and completed their work in the end of 2020. The commissions included a group of independent international experts from Russia, the US, Israel, Germany, France, Australia, Italy, Serbia, Australia, Nigeria, and Japan. Unique materials describing military, political, economic and psychological aspects of the
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