Russian Army Sigma Male Grindset

Background: Ukrainian actress Adrianna Kurilets Kmetyuk posted a video to social media depicting her killing a Russian paratrooper (actor) and saying that all Russians will meet a similar fate. Russian forces (presumably SOF based on equipment) clapped back with a video, not only calling her out, but telling her that war is “not a woman’s business“. The video was critized for it’s similarity to ISIS-style execution videos, and was also not condoned by the Ukrainian government. Adrianna has since deleted her social media. DISCLAIMER: 1) I own no part of these clips, the audio, or song 2) War is tragic, but humor keeps you going. I thought an internet video war between 2 nations was hilarious 3) I don’t care about your opinion, regardless how many times you type “Slava Ukrani“
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