J. S. Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (from Cantata 147) - Per-Olov Kindgren

Sheet music and Tabs are available at I have released my 3rd CD called “AIR“. I play music by: Dowland, Galilei, Weiss, Bach, Handel, Albinoni and Pachelbel. All, popular classical pieces that I have been asked to record on a CD. And here it is! You can order it from my website at and also listen to sound samples there. I played this back in the 70s in an arrangement by Laurindo Almeida in A-major and I thought of making an easier arrangement for many years. The time has come! It is in G and in standard tuning. (E B G D A E) Guitar: Philippe Jean-Mairet (1987) Love & Peace, Per-Olov
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