People In The News (1949)

Full title reads: “People In The News“ Washington DC, United States of America (USA). LV Elev. Winston Churchill walks from platform, acknowledges crowd by waving hat. CU Churchill with cigar walking through crowd. SV Churchill & American President Harry S Truman on steps of Blair House. Churchill gives V sign. CU Churchill & Truman acknowledging crowd. SV. Churchill & Truman walking back into Blair House. Buenos Aires, Argentina. SV. President Juan Peron preparing to take oath on Argentine Constitution Day. SV Eva (Evita) Peron looking on from box. SV Peron taking oath. SV Guard at the present arms position. SV Peron & Evita on dais. LV Troops marching past. LV Peron acknowledging cheers of crowd. Chicago, Illinois. CU Roberta Lee Mason with face still in bandages recovering from burns sustained when she rescued her brothers and sisters from their burning house. SV GV Workmen putting finishing touches to ext. of new house built for her. SV Man finishing off steps of house. SV Man fitting
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