Συρία 19 11 2018 Οι Αμερικανοί εκπαιδεύουν - εξοπλίζουν ισλαμιστές & οι Σύριοι τους σκοτώνουν

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – NOV. 19, 2018: GOVERNMENT FORCES CRUSHED ISIS-HELD POCKET IN SOUTHERN SYRIA On November 17th, the Syrian Army (SAA) and its allies regained control of al-Safa after the collapse of ISIS defense in the area. An SAA source told SouthFront that heavy rain had destroyed most of the fortifications and hideouts of the terrorist group during the last few days. The remaining terrorists fled towards the eastern Homs desert. The state news agency SANA confirmed that the SAA had made significant gains and that the highest positions in the are under army control. On the same day, heavy clashes between ISIS militants and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) broke out around the strategic town of Hajin in the middle of the Euphrates valley. The SDF said that it had killed 20 ISIS terrorists during the attack.
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