Topostudy - Tire

Ever wonder why EM Macro is a thing? Let’s make a tire with it! For this topostudy I wanted to go over a tire workflow utilizing EM Macro and bevel reinforcement. This video is part of a playlist! I hope everyone is keeping up! For this video I practiced this wheel like 4 times. Just to make sure I got it right. This thread is a classic. It fades with time. Read it while you can. Disclaimer The ways promoted aren’t recommended as THE way but A way to work. There are infinitely more effective methods but the views and workflows expressed are my own personal viewpoints and do not aim to indicate any recommended method outside of basic suggestion. Do what you will with the tips provided but the goal is to increase tool awareness and improve workflow versatility. Apologies in advance for any incorrect terminology or verbiage. Mistakes will happ
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